Posts Tagged ‘forms’

Free PHP Form Generator

For those of you that get bitten by the lazy bug from time to time, here is a great tool to use to generate php based forms:


Its a little tricky to get the hang of, but a nice little tool to play with when you have a lot of projects happening at once and need to free up some time by not coding your own form pocessing with validation.  I would recommend placing the entire form directory on your site and call the form using an iFrame.  This seems to be the cleanest way to do things and will save you about 3 hours of configuration if you try to pull everything apart and disect it.  One other thing worth noting; the phpFormGenerator system does not save your form so you can’t go back and edit it.  I would recommend keeping a browser tab open with your form generator (with generated form) in it until you’ve completely finished with the integration of the form into your site and all is tested and working properly.  If not, you’ll find that you’ll have to remake the entire form scratch.

Enjoy it, but be careful not to cause yourself more work by not paying attention…